Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Ice Storm Closes ONU - Share Your Story

Share your story about the great Polar Bear Ice Out!

An ice storm caused ONU to close from Thursday, January 6, through at least 8 a.m. Monday, January 10. The ice took out electric and water service. ONU moved to evacuate all students from campus. What else happened? You were there. Share your story!!

Your Turn
Share your storm experience. What were you doing? How has the storm impacted you? What happened in Ada?

Click the Post a Comment below to share your experience as part of what is sure to become the legendary Polar Bear Ice Out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every bad situation can have a positive outcome. After being sent home from campus on Thursday, Jan. 6, my roomates and I spent some time drinking and thinking. Although the drinking part could be looked at as a positive side of the icy situation, there was yet a bigger and better outcome we discovered. In our drunken moments, we decided that since we are business students, lets start up a tree service business. What started as just an idea became reality on Saturday, Jan. 8th. That afternoon, we headed back to icy Ada, Ohio, armed with chain saws. That evening we got our first job offer for $150. The 2 hour job proved profitable so we decided to continue our adventures the next day. On Sunday, Jan. 9th, we collected $850 for cleaning up people's yards. (That's right, we collected a gross profit of $1000 in about 11 hours of work) Our thanks goes out to Dr. Kleine and the rest of the Business college. They have enabled us to always find market opportunities, and how to take advantage of them. The market we targeted was the older, well-off people who did not want to clean up all the tree mess, and had money to pay us to do it. Hats off to Dr. Kleine!